How Habits Can Keep You Going When Workout Motivation Fizzles

Josh Melendez
August 21, 2024
How Habits Can Keep You Going When Workout Motivation Fizzles

Life is a series of ebbs and flows, and so is our motivation to stay fit and healthy. We all start our fitness journeys with a burst of enthusiasm, inspired by a desire to get in shape, improve our health, or achieve specific goals. But inevitably, the initial excitement fades, and we find ourselves struggling to maintain that same level of motivation. This is completely normal. What truly matters is not how motivated you are, but how strong your habits are.

Understanding Motivation and Habits

The Nature of Motivation

Motivation is a powerful, yet fleeting, force. It's like a spark that ignites the fire of action, but it's not meant to burn indefinitely. Motivation can come from various sources: a desire to look good, a need to improve health, or an aspiration to reach a personal milestone. However, motivation is inherently inconsistent. Life’s challenges, stress, and routine changes can all sap that initial drive.

The Power of Habits

Unlike motivation, habits are consistent and resilient. They are the routines we build into our daily lives that become second nature over time. When you’ve ingrained a habit, it requires much less mental energy to maintain than relying on fluctuating motivation. Habits are like the autopilot of our behaviors; they keep us moving forward even when our motivation is running on empty.

Building Strong Fitness Habits

Start Small

The key to developing strong fitness habits is to start small. Begin with manageable, consistent actions. For example, commit to to just show up without any expectation on what to get out of the workout each day rather than coming in with a set weight or movement in mind. Small steps are easier to integrate into your daily routine and help build the foundation for larger habits over time.

Set a Routine

Consistency is the bedrock of habit formation. Try to work out at the same time every day, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or after work. A fixed schedule makes it easier to stick to your routine and helps signal to your body and mind that it’s time to exercise.

Make It Enjoyable

Take advantage of your group classes. Group classes are fun for a reason, the people. Create relationships with your fellow athletes, plan to show up at the same class together, give each other high fives, and simply have fun with each other by enjoying the process together and not putting any pressure on yourself on your performance.

When Motivation Fades, Let Habits Take Over

Automate Your Workouts

When motivation dips, let your established habits take over. If you’ve set a routine, your body will be used to the exercise at specific times. This automatic response helps you continue working out even when you don’t feel like it.

Embrace the Process

Understand that some days will be harder than others, and that’s okay. What matters is showing up and going through the motions. Even a light workout is better than none. Over time, these small efforts compound, leading to significant progress.

Accountability and Support

External accountability can help reinforce your habits. We provide you with accountability because we know this helps move the needle. Sharing your goals and progress with others can provide the extra push needed to stay consistent.

The Benefits of Consistency Over Motivation

Long-Term Results

Relying on habits rather than motivation leads to long-term results. Consistent workouts, even when they’re not fueled by high motivation, help you achieve and maintain your fitness goals over time.

Improved Mental Health

Regular exercise is known to improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. The sense of accomplishment from sticking to your habits can boost your mood and overall well-being.

Building Discipline

Cultivating the discipline to work out regularly, regardless of motivation levels, builds mental resilience. This discipline can transfer to other areas of your life, helping you tackle challenges with a steady, unwavering approach.


It's perfectly normal to lose motivation to work out from time to time. Life is unpredictable, and our energy levels and enthusiasm can fluctuate. The key to sustained fitness and health lies in the habits we build. By focusing on creating strong, consistent habits, we can keep showing up for ourselves, even when motivation wanes. Remember, the journey to fitness is a marathon, not a sprint, and every small, consistent step brings you closer to your goals.

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