Love Letter: Rule #1 of our Gym

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter: Rule #1 of our Gym

Our first rule of the gym is to “Say Hi to everyone”. Nothing creates a community like the sense of belonging. Creating a sense of belonging is one of our principles from our core value Live Smart. Making them feel special is also one of our principles from our core value Live Smart. Creating a sense of belonging and making someone feel special starts by simply acknowledging that person.

Remember walking into a room and not knowing anyone? Remember walking past groups of people talking to each other and going straight to the first chair you see? I remember that. We’ve all been there at least once in our life. It’s never a great feeling. I’ve also been on the opposite side when I walked into a place and was immediately welcomed. The feelings are completely opposite from each other.

That is why I’ve always made it a priority of mine to go up to people in any setting I found myself in. It requires stepping out of my comfort zone but extending a hand makes a difference. Be that person. Be the one who greets and welcomes everywhere you go. Be the one that brings a smile to peoples face on the daily. Be the DIFFERENCE.

At CrossFit Be Someone, we are the difference. Saying hi to your fellow athlete is the norm. Smiling and fist bumping your fellow athlete should become as normal as brushing your teeth in the morning. Practice this on the daily at our gym and you’ll see yourself being the one who stands out amongst your peers everywhere else.

Don’t wait for someone to say hi first, make it your goal to beat everyone by always being the first one to say hi.



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