Love Letter - Take a moment to appreciate (again)

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter - Take a moment to appreciate (again)

A couple months ago I wrote about showing appreciation. This is something extremely important to do. Let’s make sure we show appreciation to those around you, especially your love ones and friends.

I can honestly tell you this, CrossFit Be Someone would not be where it is if it wasn’t for the coaches and members we have. There has to be a level of buy in for this to work. In order for there to be buy in, there has to be a level of belief in the message being delivered.

For my coaches, I truly appreciate y’all for delivering the messages to our members. I appreciate y’all taking time out of your days to create lesson plans in order for you to deliver a strong performance to our members. I appreciate y’all reading and listening to the messages I send y’all regarding what we are trying to do here. I appreciate y’all providing your input and working as hard as you do for this gym. That demonstrates your level of care for this place to be successful but more importantly, shows your level of care for our members.

For my athletes, I truly appreciate y’all continuing to show up when you can. I appreciate y’all trusting us with your health and fitness. I appreciate y’all showing up regardless of traffic, hot day, cold day, wet day, hard day at work or any personal matters going on. I appreciate y’all listening to us as we deliver you our principles on a daily basis and contributing on bright spot Friday. I appreciate y’all allowing us to be your coaches and to be honest, allowing us to have jobs. This gym would not exist if it wasn’t for every single one of you.

Again I appreciate every single person that walks through these doors for who y’all are!



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