"Murph" - Honoring Every Hero with each rep

Josh Melendez
August 21, 2024
"Murph" - Honoring Every Hero with each rep

In the world of CrossFit, certain workouts transcend physical exertion and become a tribute to something greater.

One such workout is "Murph," a test of endurance, strength, and mental fortitude named after Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, a Navy SEAL who made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. Every year, thousands of CrossFit athletes and fitness enthusiasts across the globe take on the workout "Murph", not just to test their limits, but to honor the legacy of Lt. Murphy and all fallen heroes.

The Origin of Murph

Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, known as "Murph" to his friends and comrades, was a dedicated Navy SEAL who displayed extraordinary bravery and selflessness. On June 28, 2005, during Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan, Lt. Murphy and his team were ambushed by Taliban fighters. Despite being critically wounded, Murphy moved into the open to radio for help, sacrificing his life to save his teammates. For his heroic actions, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

The Murph workout, originally named "Body Armor," was one of Murphy’s favorite workouts. It consists of:

The entire workout is performed while wearing a 20 lb weight vest, replicating the body armor worn by military personnel.

Why We Do the Murph

"Murph" is more than a workout; it’s a tradition that embodies the spirit of dedication, perseverance, and respect. Here are key reasons why we do Murph:

1. Honoring Sacrifice: Murph serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by military personnel. By pushing ourselves through this demanding workout, we honor the memory of Lt. Michael Murphy and countless other heroes who have given their lives for their country. Each rep is a tribute to their bravery and dedication.

2. Building Mental Toughness: Murph is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. It pushes athletes to confront their limits and move beyond them. Completing Murph requires resilience, determination, and a refusal to give up, mirroring the qualities exhibited by Lt. Murphy and his comrades.

3. Strengthening Community: This workout fosters a sense of community and camaraderie. Gyms across the world host Murph events, bringing people together to sweat, struggle, and succeed as one. This shared experience strengthens bonds and creates a support system, reminding participants that they are part of a larger purpose.

4. Embracing Humility: No matter how fit someone is, Murph is a humbling workout. It’s designed to push everyone to their limits, making them realize their vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. This humility is essential for growth, both in fitness and in life.

5. Inspiring Future Generations: By participating in Murph and sharing the story of Lt. Michael Murphy, we inspire future generations to understand the importance of sacrifice, honor, and giving their best effort. It serves as a powerful educational tool about the values of service and dedication.

Giving Your Best Effort

In any tribute, the sincerity and effort put forth matter greatly. Here’s why giving your best effort in the workout Murph is crucial:

1. Authentic Tribute: When you give your all in the Murph workout, you are authentically honoring the memory of Lt. Murphy and other fallen heroes. Your effort is a direct reflection of the respect and gratitude you feel for their sacrifice.

2. Personal Growth: Pushing yourself to complete Murph builds character. It teaches you about perseverance, resilience, and the power of will. These lessons extend beyond the gym and into everyday life, helping you overcome challenges with a stronger mindset.

3. Setting an Example: By giving your best effort, you set an example for others. Whether it's fellow athletes, friends, or family, your determination can inspire those around you to push their own limits and strive for excellence in their endeavors.

4. Cultivating Discipline: Completing Murph requires a high level of discipline and preparation. Training for and executing this workout with maximum effort instills a sense of discipline that can positively impact other areas of your life, from career goals to personal projects.

5. Paying Respect: The ultimate goal of Murph is to pay respect. By pushing through the pain, fatigue, and mental barriers, you are saying "thank you" to those who have sacrificed everything. It’s a way to ensure that their legacy lives on, celebrated through action and commitment.


Murph is more than just a workout; it's a solemn tradition that honors the memory of Lt. Michael P. Murphy and all fallen heroes. By giving our best effort, we pay tribute to their bravery, build our own resilience, and inspire those around us. Every rep, every step, and every drop of sweat is a testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who have served. As we take on Murph, we remember that true honor lies not just in completion, but in the relentless pursuit of giving our best, just as our heroes did.

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