Love Letter - Amber Alerts

Josh Melendez
December 16, 2022
Love Letter - Amber Alerts

This past weekend I was eavesdropping in a conversation during breakfast. It was a group of three males and I could hear them complaining about something that happened in the middle of the night.

That something was an Amber alert we all received at 4 in the morning around that area. Now I get it, you are completely asleep and then abruptly you are woken up by an Amber alert. I’m guilty of being annoyed by it and I have found myself complaining about it as well in the past. But reality dawned at me as they were having that conversation. I started to think to myself about the actual situation.

There is a family or parents who are experiencing a horrifying moment in their life by feeling as if they have lost their child. They are looking everywhere for their child and are asking for help to find their child. We on the other hand are woken up for 3-4 seconds and then go back to sleep and wake up mad that our sleep was disturbed by an Amber alert.

It’s very easy to find yourself complaining when complaining is something you are use to. Practice writing down (3) things you are grateful for each morning and evening. If not write it, just say it in your head. Practice actively not complaining and don’t allow yourself to. One of our principles at the gym is “Never whine, never complain and never make excuses”.

And here is the thing about Amber alerts, you have the option to turn it off in your phone and you won’t receive them. Make today the day complaining stops, a lot of the times we do it to ourselves.


Josh Melendez

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